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Scent Across Time: How Traditional Fragrances Quiet the Clamor of Modern Life
From ancient scholars to modern youth, timeless scents like sandalwood and jasmine continue to captivate young Chinese, offering solace in an increasingly busy world

Celebrate the Hani New Year with the World’s Longest Feast
Despite being a relatively new tradition, Lüchun’s Long Street Banquet has, in just 20 years, attracted world-record numbers of tourists and become a major event on the Hani ethnic calendar

From Weapon to Costume Piece: The Formidable Hairpins of Fuzhou
With a 1,600-year history, Fuzhou’s “tri-hairpin” has evolved from weapon to accessory to nearly forgotten artifact, but now, thanks to a small group of designers, it’s back in vogue

Prayers, Calligraphy, and Hanfu: How Chinese Kids Usher in Their First Day of School
Incoming first-graders in China participate in the “First Writing Ceremonies” before starting elementary school to better their chances of a gainful education

Why are Chinese Doctors’ Offices Full of Red Pennants?
The bestowing of red pennants, or “jinqi,” has evolved from a simple acknowledgment of appreciation to a token for career advancement and even a means to subvert authority

The Fast and Furious Dragon Boat Racers of Foshan
In Foshan, the Ming-dynasty tradition of dragon boat racing continues to draw daring local competitors and big crowds

China’s Forgotten Tulou Buildings and Their Last Residents
Life in Guangdong’s ancient, neglected, and crumbling “Earth Buildings”

Flames of Fortune: A Chinese Village’s Fiery Leap into the Lunar New Year
The people of Zhengpan celebrate the Lunar New Year by charging into flames for good fortune

How One Village Sows the Seeds of Wealth at Lunar New Year
The people of Fengxi village celebrate the Lunar New Year with a unique folk ritual involving sugarcane, deities, and fire

Celebrating Chinese Little New Year
China’s Lunar New Year celebrations begin with rituals and offerings to the kitchen god